Writing persuasion emails can be tough.
Caution: Before you go through these 5 tips, you need to ask yourself if you are building an image heavy email or if you can use more copy. Then use these tips in that state of mind. More copy doesn’t mean a novel though.
Email Persuasion Tip #1 Start with the subject line
The subject line is critical for your success.
Despite popular belief, your subject line’s primary goal is not to get them to convert. It’s to get them to open your message.
Your subject line needs to compel the user to open and read or see the first item. I recommend following Dr. B.J. Fogg’s instructions. He’s the Director of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Standford University…
Humans are motivated in the following ways.. Seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, seeking hope, avoiding fear and seeking social acceptance and avoiding social rejection
— Dr. B.J. Fogg, Stanford University
Email Persuasion Tip #2 The Headline
The headline is has it’s own primary purpose – to get you to read the first sentence. You’re trying to build a compelling story, and the headline makes them want to read more.
Think about asking a question or identifying a key problem that everyone in your target audience has that attaches to an emotion in some way. For instance, for a program that could recall emails, I might ask, “Have you ever accidentally hit send?”.
Persuasion Email Tip #3 The Pictures
Pictures are part of the persuasion elements. If your picture is overwhelming, for instance high contrast or an animated GIF, it can distract the user reading your persuasive email copy.
Your picture or graphic should work with the eye flow. If you have your picture below your main copy, it may attract the eye. If the image then doesn’t work on it’s own, the person may close the email.
Also, don’t put images or high-level graphics in your emails just because you think you should or you need to break up the copy.
If you need to break up the text, either rework your copy or apply a muted graphical element, like a well done line break. Don’t forget that you can use typography elements (like headings and bulleted lists) to help break up items text.
Persuasion Email Tip #4 Copy Elements
Your copy is important. Whether you take a few paragraphs or just a sentence or two, it determines the ultimate conversion with this formula.
Your first sentence needs to sell the second sentence. Your second sentence sells your third. Eventually, your sentences will be selling the email conversion.
Work different paragraph sizes and sentence lengths. Rework the copy over and over again. Have it proofed by 1-2 people.
Email Persuasion Tip #5 The Call To Action
Make custom calls to action. Don’t always use a button. Sometimes a link is effective. Sometimes it’s a button. Sometimes you offer two calls to action, like if you ask a yes or no question.
Test these over and over again. It’s crazy how much they effect the click and conversion.
Don’t be general. Don’t say “Click here” (obviously mobile devices can’t click). I like to insert the action and benefit into the call to action. It typically tends to win.
Make sure you don’t overthink your email. As soon as you try to use every best practice that every blog tells you to do, you won’t make it work. However, following this formula should help!
If you’re still having trouble, try the free email marketing course. It should help you dominate the inbox and earn some more revenue from your emails!